The Politically Incorrect
Real Estate Agent Playbook

A 90-Day Kick in the Arse

WARNING: This book is small, but powerful.

Focus on the real estate activities that lead to closings:

Discussions → Presentations → Clients → P&S Contracts

Hold yourself accountable by accounting for your actions.

What are you spending your time doing?

Measure, manage, improve.

This is a fill-in-the-blank book, which covers 90 days at a time.

Look alive! You're about to account for the next 129,600 minutes of your life. 

Each day, you track:

what you spend your time doing,
the hours you work,
the addition/subtraction of database members,
the number of properties you preview/show,
your biggest win & biggest challenge,
primary lead source of the day,
the number of advocates you speak with,
the number of dials/discussions you have (new & follow-ups),
the number of presentations you give,
the clients you sign,
the transactions you close,
and the money you earn.

Includes a mojo meter, an attitude thermometer, and a performance ranker.

Build better habits with the Habit Tracker, and compare your performances with the Master Tracker.

This clever book will create a purposeful, powerful you.

Cross-references in this Playbook correspond with pages from The Politically Incorrect Real Estate Agent Handbook.

If you wanna hold yourself accountable,
then you're gonna have to shell-out a few bucks.


50% Complete

Two Step

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